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Fae's Enemy

Fae's Enemy

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A Dark Fae trying to make things right.

A human girl wondering how it all went so wrong.

Don’t trust the humans.

It’s a new sentiment among the fae. For most of his life, the few humans he’s known have been like family. So how does their entire world want those like Gullie destroyed?

The secret is out.

Main Tropes

  • Fae Romance
  • Portal Fantasy
  • Human-Fae Romance


A Dark Fae trying to make things right.

A human girl wondering how it all went so wrong.

Don’t trust the humans. 

It’s a new sentiment among the fae. For most of his life, the few humans he’s known have been like family. So how does their entire world want those like Gullie destroyed? 

The secret is out. 

Fae exist and the humans believe Magic threatens their way of life. 

The once-fringe cult that has spent years terrorizing the fae—and killing any humans that got in the way—now has the backing of governments and the media. 

Their goal? Keep the fae out of our world. 

What they really mean? Destroy them all. 

Gulliver refuses to give up on the communities of fae scattered across human cities. 

And he’ll never give up on Sophie. Whether she’s taking up residence in the queen’s lavish Iskaltian rooms, or sitting by her father’s side as he plans to annihilate the fae, Gulliver has to reach her. He has to make her see there’s another way. 

There might be a tail coming from his behind. His eyes might be more familiar to a cat, and he might live in a world of vanishing villages and healing waters, but all Gulliver wants is for his home to remain safe and those fae who choose to make the human world their home to have that same safety. 

Even if he has to lose her to hate. 

Even if he has to face a warzone of bombs and guns, and the destruction of every taco he holds dear. 

The fate of both worlds is now up to him … magicless Gulliver O’Shea.


“Gulliver! What do you mean, ‘don’t get mad’?” The disembodied voice reverberated across the courtyard in a burst of wind. Gulliver flinched, knowing exactly what was coming for him. Familiar power wrapped around his chest, like the tendrils of some unseen vine, squeezing the air from his lungs until he gasped for breath. 

It released him, but not before tugging on his tail. His feet skidded across the stone as the magic gave him a final push. A scream ripped from his throat, and he stumbled. As he looked up, he caught the terror in Sophie’s eyes. Eavha had just managed to convince her to join them in the courtyard for some fresh air and a simple game of liathroid. 

“Heads up, Gullie!” Eavha called, not bothering to pause the game to let him recover his bearings. The ball sailed toward Gulliver, hitting him square in the stomach. 

“Oof.” He fumbled the ball and scrambled to catch it but was jerked backward again. 

“Eavha,” he yelled, exasperated with the one queen who was normally his favorite person in all the worlds. “Make her stop.” 

Annoyance sparked through him when Eavha only laughed. Declan shook his head with an affectionate smile for his favorite person. But Sophie-Ann… she looked horrified. This was exactly the kind of magic he hadn’t wanted her to see. She still wouldn’t speak to him, and this would only make it worse. 

He stumbled toward the open front gates, his tail aching where it met the base of his spine. “Tierney O’Shea,” he growled. “You’ve had your fun, isn’t that enough?” 

Don’t get mad?” Tia said again, this time her voice closer, more dangerous. 

Gulliver sighed as the magic pulled him from the courtyard into the wide-open space between the castle and the mostly dead forest surrounding it with twisted and burned trees that would take generations to recover. 

He stopped abruptly and would have fallen forward if not for the magic holding him up. His legs wobbled as the unseen force turned him quickly to meet the visitors. 

“Don’t get mad?” Tia seethed, hands on her hips. “Are you kidding me, Gulliver?” 

Her parents stood on either side of her, looking amused in a subdued sort of way. Worry was etched into every line of their faces. 

“Erm, nice to see you, Majesties.” Gulliver bowed. Brea and Lochlan weren’t the king and queen any longer, but he would always see them as such. 

“Don’t look at them.” Tia narrowed her eyes. “They’re not the Queen of Iskalt who sent you on a simple information-gathering mission and found you holed up in Lenya, of all places.” 

He rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, you didn’t exactly find me did you? I sent you a note.”  

“A note.” Tia lifted a hand, curling her fingers in so her power took hold of him once more. Only, this time, it propelled him toward her to collide against her in a tight hug. She gripped him as if she’d thought she might never see him again. 

“I have been so worried,” she whispered, burying her face in his chest. 

Gulliver held her, realizing just how much he needed his best friend. They were soulmates, connected in a way he’d never had with anyone else. When she wasn’t by his side, he wasn’t fully himself. As though he was missing a limb. 

“Did you really have to yank me from the courtyard?”

She laughed. “Absolutely. That was the fun part.”

“What if I’d been inside? Were you going to pull me through the walls?” 

She leaned away and looked up at him. “I hadn’t really thought about that.” 

Lochlan cleared his throat, sliding his arm through Brea’s. “Think we could take this inside?” 

Gulliver looked back at the castle, where the guards along the wall watched them with open curiosity. 

“Tia!” Eavha ran toward them, lifting the bottom of her dress to keep from tripping. The two girls hugged. “You have got to teach me how to do that. Gulliver was all, ‘make her stop’! You should have seen his face. It was hilarious.” 

Gulliver turned away from his diabolical friends as Sheba bound across the distance toward them, looking like she wasn’t going to stop. A squeal escaped Gulliver moments before the giant cat reached them. She stopped at Brea’s side, staring up at her in expectation. 

“Oh.” Brea covered her mouth in surprise. “A cat. How precious.” 

“That’s not a cat, my love.” Lochlan tried to pull her away, but she didn’t budge. “It’s much too big.” 

Brea didn’t listen to him as she buried her hands in Sheba’s fur. The cat let out a sound somewhere between a purr and a roar. 

Lochlan started toward the castle. “Let’s get out of this sun before this old ice king melts into a puddle.” 

Eavha and Tia linked arms and ran after him, leaving Gulliver with Brea and Sheba. Brea fell in step beside him. “Sorry for the dramatic entrance.” She sighed. “The moment we stepped out of the portal, Tia took off like a rocket.” 

He was used to Brea saying human things he didn’t understand, so he didn’t ask what a rocket was. Her explanations never made much sense anyway. “I guess I should have explained more in my message.” 

“You don’t say?” Brea took his arm as they stepped through the gates. “We have much to discuss. A lot of questions.”

They had no idea. 

Declan met them in the center of the courtyard. 

“Where’s …” Gulliver stopped himself, needing to explain things to Tia before revealing the human girl’s presence. 

“In her room.” Declan’s dour expression told Gulliver there was more he wanted to say, but he didn’t need to. 

Gulliver pictured Sophie’s face, the fear, as he flew backward. He’d exposed her to so little magic, but Tia was in no way cautious with her power. He should have known something like this would happen.

“Now that we have our greetings out of the way, is there someplace we can speak privately?” Lochlan clasped his hands behind his back, looking ever the king. Yet, there was something lighter in his stance ever since he’d handed the crown of Iskalt over to his daughter. 

Declan nodded. “We’ve been using the dining hall for meetings of this sort.” 

“Perfect.” Gulliver’s stomach rumbled. “Then, we can eat while we talk.” 

“Some things never change.” Tia rolled her eyes to Eavha. 

Gulliver shrugged. “A leopard can’t change its stripes.” 

“Spots,” Brea whispered, patting him on the back. “Leopards have spots, honey, but nice try.” 

He wasn’t even sure what a leopard was, but he’d grown up hearing Brea say it quite often about her husband. 

They crowded together as they entered the quiet castle that now buzzed with activity over the arrival of their visitors. 

“Ariella,” Eavha called. “Ready two guest rooms.”

Ariella hesitated. “Lady Eavha, we only have one more usable room. The—”

Eavha cut her off. “That’s right. Our other is occupied. Fine, just the one then. My sister-by-marriage can stay with me. Declan will sleep in the guard’s quarters.” 

“Sleepover! I’ve seen them in many human movies. But don’t we need to find some paint for our nails?” Tia gave her mother a concerned look. “I don’t want to do it wrong.” 

Eavha shrugged. “There might be some left over from the renovations of the east wing.” 

“That’s not quite right, girls.” Brea laughed. “I’m not sure there’s a fae equivalent of nail polish, but you can do a girl’s sleepover without it in a pinch.”  

“Oh good.” Tia giggled. 

“Aren’t you supposed to be a queen or something?” Gulliver bumped Tia with his shoulder. 

She straightened. “Just worry about yourself. You’ll see how much of a queen I am soon enough.”

He swallowed. That sounded ominous. Sure, he’d failed in his mission, but he had a good reason, and she’d understand as soon as he explained. Tia was well-versed in the healing pools and using them to save the man she loved. She couldn’t blame him too much. Could she? 

Not that he loved Sophie. The woman wouldn’t even speak to him. The thought tugged at his heart, but he tried to ignore it as a servant appeared with a tray of glasses and a flagon of wine. 

“No, no. Not the Gelsiberry!” Eavha shrieked and chased them back toward the kitchens, issuing orders.

“Lord Declan?” A soldier walked toward them. “We’ve received a message from Queen Bronagh.” 

Declan nodded before turning to the others. “Please, have a seat. I will return shortly.”

When he hurried off, it left Gulliver staring at the three O’Sheas. He lowered himself into a chair at the long wooden table, wishing Eavha would hurry up with that wine. 

“We have many things to discuss.” Lochlan sat beside him. “Tell us of your mission in the human city.” 

The two women took the chairs across the table from him, and Tia shot an annoyed look at her father. “Dad, I know the whole taking a backseat thing is still new for you, but I’ll handle this.” 

He looked confused for a moment before he gave her a sheepish smile. “Apologies, my little queen.” He nodded for her to continue. 

Tia reached into the pocket she’d had sewn into of every one of her dresses. She got the idea from her mother’s human clothes, stating that if fae were superior beings, they must put pockets in dresses. 

Pulling out a folded paper Gulliver instantly recognized as a page from a human newspaper, she slapped it on the table. “Go on. Look at it.” 

He glanced at each fae in turn. Lochlan was tense, his jaw tight. Brea had tears shining in her eyes. Tia was defiant. It was how she acted when she didn’t know what to do. 

Fear struck him. For whatever that page said, whatever it would mean. 

Slowly, he unfolded it, his eyes swimming over lines and lines of text but he couldn’t absorb a single word. The pictures took his attention. Two of them were side by side, blurry but recognizable. 

Toby and Griff stared back, warning him that whatever he was about to read would shift the axis of his world. 

“What was Griff doing in the human world long enough to cause trouble?” Lochlan asked. 

“He came …” Gulliver couldn’t stop staring at his father’s picture. “For me. He wanted to check on me and I, um. I needed his help with something,” he finished lamely. 

“He was supposed to drop in on you and Toby and come right back with a report,” Tia practically growled. “He should have returned before dawn so all of our reliable fae with portal magic weren’t all in the human realm … at the same time.” By the time she finished, her teeth were bared in a grimace and Gullie knew he really was in trouble this time. 

And yet, his father had stayed. To help with Sophie. Guilt gnawed at him. His father had broken his promise to the Queen of Iskalt just to be there for his son and to make sure he was okay. 

“He was supposed to go back right after he checked in with Toby.” Gulliver could hardly breathe. Griff could get out of the human realm at any time during the night, but still, he was there. Because Gulliver hadn’t looked out for Toby, hadn’t kept him from getting involved with Xavier and his friends. And something horrible had happened. 

When Brea spoke, her voice quivered. “They’re calling them terrorists. I know the kinds of people humans put that label on. Why haven’t they come home?” Both could open portals, and yet, neither have.  

Gulliver pulled the paper closer, his eyes skimming the words. He shook his head. “This can’t be right. They’re saying the two men pictured are suspects of a terrorist attack on some remote village outside the city. The victims were largely families with small children.” It didn’t make sense. “The fae are trying to prevent more attacks, not carry them out.”

“But how did they get their pictures?” Lochlan asked. 

“From the crosswalks in the city,” Brea said. “They can get a picture of anyone that way.” 

“Then how do they know they were involved in this attack?” Tia demanded, scowling her fury at Gullie.  

“It’s likely that someone has accused them,” Brea said. “But who?” 

“HAFS,” Gullie said with a deep sigh, bracing himself for Tia’s temper. 

“Okay, why don’t we back up and let Gullie tell us everything that happened before he left for Lenya.” Brea had a much kinder look for him than Tia.

He explained everything about his time in New Orleans, about Toby and his new fae friends. The bombings, the attacks on fae. Tia had been right when she sent him there. It was escalating. 

“If the humans capture them …” Brea covered her mouth with her hand. “My boy.” 

“No.” Tia leaned forward, staring at her brother’s image. “If they capture him, he can escape through a portal. And Griff has Iskalt magic along with his O’Shea portal magic. Neither should be in any real danger.”

“But why haven’t they contacted us?” Lochlan asked the question they were all too afraid to voice. 

“Because.” Eavha stopped at the end of the table, “they probably can’t.” Two servants set silver mugs of chilled cider in front of each of them. “No wine. I figured you all wanted clear heads tonight.” 

All eyes were on her now. 

“What do you mean, they can’t?” Tia said. 

“With our crystals, a Lenyan can be as powerful as any Iskaltian, but there are limitations. We cannot draw on our magic when we’re …”

“When you’re what?” 

“There is so much about the portal magic still unknown to you. Maybe it has similar rules to ours.”

Tia stood. “When you’re what?” she repeated. 

“Near death.” 

“No.” She shook her head. “Absolutely not.” She picked up the paper and shook it. “We have proof they survived the attack.” 

“Not necessarily, Tia,” Brea said with a shaky breath. “Those pictures could have come from before the attack. But the good news is that the humans are looking for them. That means they haven’t been caught yet. So wherever they are, if one or both of them are hurt, they’re likely on their own.”  

Gulliver didn’t want to think about losing anyone else he cared about, but he couldn’t ignore the truth. “This group, Human Alliance For Survival, never just plans one attack. This attack is part of a greater objective. We don’t know where Toby and Griff are, but if they’re fighting HAFS, we need to figure out what’s coming next to learn where they might go.”

Everyone stared at him, no one speaking. Waiting. Two ex-sovereigns, one current one, and a duchess of Lenya thought he—Gulliver—would have the answer. 

“Gullie.” Tia reached out and grabbed his hand, her voice softer now. “You spent time in New Orleans around these people. Did you learn anything at all that might tell us of this objective of theirs?” 

He hadn’t. He still had no idea what HAFS really wanted, but he didn’t think it was random chaos or just killing a few fae. Yet, he knew someone who might. 

He closed his eyes for a moment, drawing in a deep breath. This wasn’t why he’d brought Sophie here. She wasn’t a prisoner forced to give up information. 

Still, Toby and Griff were on the line. 

“I wasn’t there long enough.” The tension in the room deflated, a balloon of hope losing its air. “But there is someone here who might help us.”

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